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How to apply for SEBI PACL online refund form registration?

To register for PACL online refund process, login to Refund registration form will open up where you need to fill in all the required details such as your PACL registration number, registered mobile number, and Captcha Code. After entering the details, an OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number. Enter the OTP received to successfully register for refund claims. After this, follow the instructions that appear.
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Q. How to download PACL online refund form?

The PACL refund form is available for filing refund claims on the official website of SEBI India till April 30th, 2019. This form is not available for downloading. Claimants can fill their refund application form and upload valid documents by visiting SEBI’s website.

Q. How do I login to my PACL Refund Claim Application?

After registration, you will see a password creation screen. You have to create a password of your choice. The password length must be 8-16 characters and it should contain at least one upper case letter (a-z), one number (0-9) and one special character(@, #, & , !).

Q. What information do I need to submit in the SEBI PACL Refund Claim Application Form?

Ans. – You need to submit your name as per PACL receipt/certificate, the claim amount (in Rs.), PAN number, your bank account number, bank name and IFSC code.

Q. Can I exit even though I have partially filled up the refund claim application form of SEBI PACL ?

Ans. – Yes, you can exit the application by clicking on the logout button. The information entered by you would be saved when you click on ‘Save and Next’ option. You can come later and log in to finish your claim application.

Q. What is the format of the documents to be uploaded for PACL Refund Application Form ?

Ans. – The documents can be uploaded in pdf, jpg or jpeg formats.

Q. What should be the specifications of the documents being uploaded in SEBI PACL Refund Form ?

Ans. – The documents uploaded should be on black and white scale, 200 dpi and vertically aligned.
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Q. How do I know if my refund application is successfully submitted?

Ans – After completion of all the required documents that you have uploaded, you may click on the ‘Final Submit’ button, upon which a preview screen will appear for confirmation of the information entered by you on the web platform. Upon your confirmation of the information entered, the application would be successfully submitted and an acknowledgement receipt number (ARN) would be generated. This number along with the PACL registration number should be used for all future communication.

Q. Can I delete/edit the information I have saved for PACL Refund Form ?

Ans – You can edit/delete the information multiple times till you submit your application by clicking on the ‘Final Submit’ button. However, once you have clicked on the ‘Final Submit’ button no further changes would be allowed.

Q. What if I forgot my password of PACL Refund Login ?

Ans – Click on ‘Forgot Password’ option on this website. Enter the PACL registration number and click on generate OTP option. Enter the OTP received on your mobile number and click on submit OTP. Once the correct OTP has been submitted, you would be taken to the ‘Enter password’ screen where you can create a fresh password.

Q. What if I do not have a PAN card ?

Ans – You would need to obtain a PAN card and then submit the application

Q My name on the PACL Certificate and on the Aadhaar and PAN Cards are different?

Ans . You are to provide the name as is on the PACL Certificate along with the necessary supporting documents i.e., PAN/Aadhaar Card, Bank Statement and PACL Certificate/Receipts.

Q. Can a guardian claim for PACL refund if there is an investment made in the name of a minor who does not has a PAN Card?

Ans: As per the SEBI PACL refund process, a guardian can apply for refunds online only if he/she is a nominee for accepting refunds on behalf of that minor. A minor might not have a PAN card which makes the nominee eligible for applying refunds for the PACL account registered in the name of that minor.
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Q. If an old/aged investor has to claim PACL refunds but he/she does not have a PAN Card, then it is possible that their nominee can apply for refunds on their behalf?

Ans. No, an aged investor has to have a PAN card to claim for their refunds and no nominee can claim it on their behalf. However, SEBI might release some new information regarding the aged investors without PAN card. So stay tuned for related updates.

Q Have investment in the name of minor, can guardian apply for refund with their bank details?

Ans . In the present process of refund,a guardian cannot apply for refund on behalf of aminor at this stage. However, the matter is being considered by the Committee and as and when a decision is taken in this regard, the same shall be notified.

Q What if the PACL certificate holder has passed away? Can any nominee file for refund claim on behalf of any deceased investor?

Ans . Yes! If an investor has died but the PACL bond issued on their name has the name of a nominee, then that nominee can apply for PACL refunds on the behalf of the deceased investor.

Q What if I do not have a PAN card?

Ans . You would need to obtain a PAN card and then submit the application.

Q How do I obtain a PAN card?

Ans .To obtain information on how to obtain a PAN card, click on the below link.

Q.What if the PACL Refunds website is not working?

Ans .Chances are high that the PACL refunds login page/website might work at a slow pace or hang or even crash. The reason for this might be the excessive traffic on this login page as PACL claimants from all over India would be visiting the website which ultimately leads to the site getting down. Users facing such problems should wait for some time and apply for refunds later in the day when there is presumably lesser traffic on this website.

Q. What to do if an investor faces trouble while filing for PACL refunds?

Ans. If an investor is unable to register for refunds or they receive any message like ‘Your login details does not exists’, then those claimants can take a screenshot of that particular page and send it to with their related concern.

Q. What to do if my documents are not being uploaded successfully?

Ans .Unsuccessful upload of any of your documents might be the case of the supported documents being more than the prescribed upload size. Keep your documents in a smaller size format (preferably KB) for an easy upload of them.

Q. If an investor has more than one bond registered with PACL with the same name, then do they need to fill separate claim applications?

Ans. Yes, if an investor has three or four bonds with PACL, then they will have to fill separate claim applications for each of them. This is because every bond shall have a different number on them and investors will be refunded only for those bonds for which they have filled claim applications.

Q. What if an investor has lost their PACL receipt(s)? How can such investors apply for PACL refunds?

Ans. If any investor has lost their PACL receipt, then they can attach the original bond along with the first and last receipt of that particular bond. Attaching all the receipts is not necessary.

Q. What claiming amount out of principal or maturity has to be filled in by an investor who has a FD registered with PACL?

Ans. If an investor is seeking refunds for their FD in PACL Ltd., then they can fill in the maturity amount if the maturity date is over. If your FD is yet to reach the maturity date, then you can apply refunds only for the principal amount mentioned in the FD.

Q. If an investor took a loan on their PACL policy, how can they apply for refunds?

Ans. Yes, off course! Investors, who have applied for loan, let’s say an investor applied for 40% loan while purchasing a policy from PACL can file for refunds. They can claim the refunds for the principal amount invested and they shall be refunded with that amount.

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3 thoughts on “SEBI PACL Refund Faq’s List 2025

  1. my pacl no-U036209941,
    I did not my pacl refund
    so irequest to you plese refund my pacl amount.

  2. my pacl no-U056539734
    i did not my pacl refund
    my address and mobile no is also change
    my new address is SUSHIL DAMANI , CE 83 SALT LAKE ,NEAR 4 NO TANK ,KOLKATA 700064
    my mobile no is -; 9836577771
    so i request you to please refund my pacl amount

  3. My documents are with me. Can I upload my document. and what is the procedure and when is the last date. what documents are required to update. plz help me.

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