PACL-SEBI-Refund-helpline-number (1)

PACL-SEBI Helpline Number – SMS- Website for PACL Investors 2025

SEBI PACL Contact Information:
Helpline Number022 61216966
Format of Documentspdf, jpg or jpeg
Who Can ApplyPolicy Holder, Guardian, Nominee
Last Date31st July 2019

SEBI has made significant efforts to assist PACL investors by taking several steps to simplify the refund process for each investor. It is fair to say that the Digital India initiative of the Modi government is also assisting PACL investors. Here are the steps taken by SEBI under the Digital India movement to assist investors.

A Video Tutorial for PACL Investors to apply online

A free demo video is available on the SEBI website to assist PACL investors in applying for the PACL refund application form. This video offers step-by-step guidance to all investors on how to apply for a refund online. The PACL investors are very grateful for this great use of digital media, as most of them are not aware of such information. This video will help them apply for their refund with ease.

SEBI’s Helpline Number for PACL Refund

To inquire about the status of their PACL Refund form, investors or claimants can call the helpline number “022 61216966”. As we are aware, SEBI has a large number of cases to handle, but due to the high volume of queries from PACL investors, SEBI has created a special helpline contact number for them.

See also  PACL Investor Refund Checklist

Now, investors can ask their queries through this phone number. Investors are also very thankful for this important step of SEBI. This is what makes their trust more strong in their justice process.

SMS is a way to help PACL investors

Investors seeking refunds can also send their claim applications to SEBI with their details either by sending an SMS to 562632 or by uploading all the details at

Many investors were not able to apply online as some of them belonged to rural areas. So SEBI has taken another big step to solving the problem of crores of investors. They finally create SMS services through this SMS process, which investors can apply by their phone, which does not require internet or smartphone.

Address to Send PACL Original Certificates

SEBI Bhawan,Plot No.C4-A, ‘G’ Block, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai – 400051

Steps for checking SMS status for original PACL Certificate submission

  • Click on the “ENQUIRY” button.
  • Enter your personal PACL Certificate Number.
  • Enter the Captcha code in the box.
  • If an SMS has been sent for the entered PACL Certificate Number for a successful submission, the below message shall be displayed on the screen.
  • If an SMS has not been sent for the entered PACL Certificate Number, the below message shall be displayed on the screen.

Steps to Check PACL SEBI Refund Status Online

1Go to
2Enter PACL Certificate Number
4Enter the code in the box that you are seeing below the box
5Click on the search


See also  SEBI ने सोनू निगम की 53 एकड़ प्रॉपर्टी पर लगाया बैन - PACL की होगी अब ये प्रॉपर्टी 2025

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25 thoughts on “PACL-SEBI Helpline Number – SMS- Website for PACL Investors 2025

  1. I saved some amount at the rate of Rs.1000 Per month towards PACL.How to about maturity of my policy amount and when the amount will be refunded to my Account??

  2. Dear sir

    maganbhai gohil have pacl india limited my S no – 2917486 have not submit any document

  3. तोरण सिंह सन ऑफ महेंद्र सिंह पता बयाना गेट तहसील बैर जिला भरतपुर राजस्थान से हूं मैंने ₹700 (क्वार्टर ) तिमाही की आई पी पी(I.P.P )के तहत किस्त कराई थी पॉलिसी नंबर U2252 22685 है जिसमें मैंने 9 किस्त जमा करा दी थी लेकिन रसीद ना होने के कारण टोटल अमाउंट डाला और सारे डाक्यूमेंट्स सबमिट करा दिए लेकिन सेवी ने 699 रुपए ही भेजे हैं क्या रसीद ना होगी तो पैसा नहीं मिलेगा तो फिर सेवी एंड लोढ़ा कमेटी ने जो पी ए सी एल के डाक्यूमेंट्स डाटा जो कलेक्ट किया है जांच की है उसका क्या फायदा इसका मुझे जवाब दें

  4. शेर सिंह सन ऑफ स्वर्गीय मानसिंह पता भुसावर दरवाजा फुलवारी गेट तहसील वैर जिला भरतपुर राजस्थान पॉलिसी नंबर U22 5168 762 है ₹110 प्रति माह की किस्त कराई जिसमें मैंने 64 किस्त भर दी थी लेकिन रसीद ना होने के कारण मैंने और डाक्यूमेंट्स एवं एक रसीद और पॉलिसी सम्मिट करा दिए लेकिन सेबी ने ₹219 अकाउंट में ट्रांसफर किए हैं क्या रसीद नहीं होगी तो पैसा नहीं मिलेगा तो आप लोगों ने जो इंक्वायरी की है एवं पीएसीएल का डाटा कलेक्ट किया है उसमें पैसा नहीं बोल रहा है तो आपने चार-पांच साल क्या किया मुझे जवाब दें

  5. मेरा mobile number change हो गया है form edit claim कैसे करे

  6. me apana Registration nahi kar pa raha hu Registration karne jata hu to Enquiry bata deta hai help me

  7. मैंने हर तिमाही भरे लेकिन जो बांड मुझे दिया गया है बांड नंबर से तो मेरा नाम ही नहीं दिखा रहा है बड़ी मुश्किल से एक एक पैसा जोड़ कर क़िस्त भरी थी हर रशीद के अलग नंबर के हिसाब से एक भी नाम मेरा नहीं है हेल्पलाइन नंबर कोई उठता नहीं है अब क्या करें की पैसा मिल जाय

  8. HELLO sir i m also customer of pacl and i have a problem is that my previous account is in VIJAYA BANK and now it is marge in BANK OF BARODA and my account number is change then how will money come in account and no edit option in my pacl status plese sir solve my issue
    thank you

  9. I have tried many times to called the given help line number but every time its says the number is busy???? my mother has deposited the amount and the validity of that policy for ten years which was completed last 2 years but still my mother not get her amount and while check online its says that “Your application (PACL certificate No. – U227347422, U227352559) could not be processed at this stage and you may await notification in this regard.”

    now what should we do please inform at the earliest……………

  10. when the next due date for refund registration going to release. For any investor who was unable to register on and before 30 april 2019 ????????

  11. when the next due date for refund registration going to release. For any investor who was unable to register on and before 30 april 2019

  12. when the next due date for refund registration going to release. Please update we have urgent requirement of the money. If we unable to used our money then where should we go…….????????? Please update at the earliest.

  13. hi, I don’t know about pacl refund application because of iam in dubai. now i came 30 oct 2020 from dubai. and check the pacl refund. bad luck date is gone. please reply the next date for the refund application. please, please

  14. सर मैंने रजिस्टेशन कर दिया है जनवरी का
    अब तक कोई पैसा नहीं मिला है ।
    कब तक मिलेगा ।
    मेरा 1 लाख है ।

  15. Pl change my new number is 6230065743 for current status
    1. SUMIT KUMAR – U259177245
    2. RUBINA DEVI – U259177243
    3. SHIVAM KUMAR – U259177242

    I have above three account

  16. My Cert. No is U032123443 and I have submitted my refund request. I have received message for rectification. I have checked with my certificate number, I have uploaded all the documents (Registration Letter/ Subscription Receipt/ Cancelled Cheque/ Bank Details etc.) on PACL respective site, I don’t know why I have got the highlighted query — (“PACL certificate uploaded by you is incorrect or illegible. Kindly also re-verify and/or rectify the bank details entered by you earlier.) while I have received certificate from PACL. I have only changed my bank account details. When I was purchased the policy I have given my “Dena Bank Account” but now I want my refund amount in my another bank account which is “ICICI Bank Account” just because of my Dena Bank account is not running that’s why I have given my ICICI Bank account no.

  17. I’m not sure where you are getting your information, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more. Thanks for fantastic information I was looking for this information for my mission.

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